

His Sheep

  A malnourished sheep In the flock of a loving Christ Who we know leads us To pastures are forever green But our eyes are taken away too deep Into

God of The Possible(1)

God of The Possible

Nothing is impossible with God A statement so sweet, Especially when we are in shit Because we can’t keep ourselves lit And can’t save ourselves even a bit With our

Unsaved Christian

Unsaved Christian

The Church…. We are called to be clean, but have failed to win the struggle and became unclean. Sworn and proved too mean, others we judge and demean, Our own

The Fatherless

The Fatherless

I sit to watch The dark horizons Wishing I knew the reasons. For the doom in the room That nobody cared to groom. My head is in pain, Intestines never

Wanaume Nisaidieni

Wanaume Nisaidieni- A cry for help.

Readers discretion: This is based on a true story dated 22nd June 2017. Contains some vulgar language as it is true account of events. The greatest lie in sexual dishonesty


Fifty Fifty

It’s a new lifestyle With more fifty shades of life with style, All in the name of having that smile That only lasts while if not a mile, In quenching


Tribal Christian

Elections come every five years. At this time our tribal cocoons are at their final lifecycle stage. It’s a time to be full blown. We all forget our religious background. 


Gun for hire

Almost three months ago while coming from church at around 8:30 PM, I witnessed the murder of one of my neighbours. Only arriving at the scene, while the perpetrators were

Conned by a beggar

Conned By a beggar

I have become very sceptical in helping beggars since the year began. This is because of the people who have joined the profession. A friend over mine after my article


How My BAKE ID saved me from being a terrorist

7:14 PM March, 26th  2016 At the Outering Road, Thika Road junction. “Kijana Wacha ukaongee na wakubwa mbele.”  (Young man lets go you talk with the officers). I am walked

beggar 1

In The Begging Profession

The art of professional begging. The begging trends! It’s around 8:45PM, am next in line.  Suddenly the guy in front of me turns with his fist ready for a fight.

Rogue police force

There is a deadly time bomb about a sections of our security force. Unless we, the citizens act it will be fruitless to wait and depend on our security system.

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