
The Delicacy(1)

The Delicacy

Someday the sun doesn’t shine Neither does the expected rain A time you sit in pain With no chance to wail A time the drums don’t roll A stringless guitar


The Eclipse

On different orbits we revolve At the same time we evolve Our different pace we can simultaneously solve Showing we can share darkness and light For those in us to


The Band

Breaking news! Breaking our hearts Raking our brains Shaking our existence   This song Becoming a hit song Did not take long Hitting all systems From roots to above stems

I stand

I stand

I stand With a lot of doubt in my mind That the truth shall stand And that the love shall bind Where hate our fathers have plant For our eyes

Jesus Crucifixion

The Amazing Grace

It’s hard to profess A faith you do not confess Yet you want to possess The blessing in the process   We claim Him to love But do we have

The Letter

Dear mom Hope all is fine and well As you shine and dwell In your sweat’s well That ensured I grew and dined well And with morality shelled    All

A Letter To The Premier

 This is special, And though social, Also essential, Make sure you issue Its issue To the premier     I am panting, Like a dog, though not barking. For it

shoot 1

Do I Have To Die?

  Do I have to die, For all to struggle For a line of the eulogy Showing how good I was While it was always wars Of words some backbiting


Had to trek The long excruciating stretch That I may stretch Little amounts to fetch My thirst to quench I sit by the well Like am in a cell Waiting


Twenty one point Five This is not where I wanted to be This is not where I dreamt to be Neither where I wished I would be But where God

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