Records and History

Record and History
Record and History
Picture of wahomejohn


Records are broken and history is set;
By those who dare to dream,
Those who dare the invincible,
Those who do not let the fear of the unknown bar their quest,
Those who know the limit but push beyond it,
Those who know the risk but do it anyway,
Those who test not to try but to conquer,
Those willing to have the fire inside extinguish the fear,
Those willing to be misjudged and misunderstood for they zeal,
Those willing to push the boundaries and overcome the limits,
Those willing and ready to deal with pain and loss for what they love,
Those willing to endure hate from a world that knows nothing about them,
Those willing to be castigated in loss and celebrated in victory,
Those willing to pay the ultimate price for the ultimate prize.
To them Love and Honour is due,
Immortalised by their deep desire to dare
By stepping out into the unknown
And not letting the cherries rot, from the fear height killing you.

©Wahome John

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