
Record and History

Records and History

Records are broken and history is set;By those who dare to dream,Those who dare the invincible,Those who do not let the fear of the unknown bar their quest,Those who know

Film Chadwick and I

Film, Chadwick Boseman and I

 “In times of crisis the wise build bridges, while the foolish build barriers. We must find a way to look after one another as if we were one single tribe.” 

GooGle Fitbit deal(1)

Perfect Year

When the year began I did not know what would come out of it. The year has had its many challenges, but the Lord has been gracious to me. He

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Today I was challenged by the smoking community. I was working at a five star hotel in Nairobi. I needed to power my laptop and send an urgent email. I

It rained(1)

The Rain

I sobbed I stood and watched. I counted the losses, The pain rained, my eyes dried, I lost it all, was left a broken wall Remembering the past. I cried,



Integrity is not a weed or a reed But a seed we should all weed and shield Till it breads and yields To what we can feed Ourselves and our

Empty sanctuary(1)

Has the church lost its morality?

Is the church conforming to the patterns of the world? I attended a church service in one of the ‘big’ assemblies in Nairobi and my experience there has contributed a

What would you do in your last hour?

10:05AM, Thursday, 7th January 2016 Seated on my desk glued on the screen of my computer. Am very busy i don’t notice my cup of black tea getting cold. Kring!kring!

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